Create Wholesale Customers for B2B
Step 1: Go to Masters (main menu) > Customer Master.
Step 2: In the "Wholesale Customers" tab, click on the "Hamburger Menu"
Step 3: Click "Add New Customer"
Step 4: Mention the details of the customer and click on "Submit"
A wholesale customer will be created.
Edit the Wholesale Customer details
Step 1: In the "Wholesale Customers" tab, click on the "Hamburger Menu" shown beside the created customer. Select "Edit Company Details".
Step 2: Make the changes to the required field and click "Submit".
Create POS Customers for POS Orders
Step 1: Go to Masters (main menu) > Customer Master.
Step 2: In the "POS Customers" tab, click on the "Hamburger Menu". Select "Add New Customer".
Step 3: Mention the details of the customer and click on "Submit"
A POS Customer will be created.
Edit the POS Customer details
Step 1: In the "POS Customers" tab, click on the "Edit" button shown beside the created POS customer.
Step 2: Make the changes to the required field and click "Update".
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