UoM - Units of Measurement
A unit of measure (UOM) is the unit into which any given item can be packaged. For example, you can package drinks in a single can, a two-liter bottle, or a pack of 6 cans, etc.
Multiple items for a SKU make an inner pack. Multiple inner packs make a case. Multiple cases make a pallet-
How and where can this be used?
You can define how many items constitute a case or how many items constitute an inner pack.
Suppose, the user has to pick 500 items of this SKU as a part of a bulk order, while getting the items from the shelf, he will only have to pick/scan 5 cases of that SKU.
This feature saves time and helps warehouse workers to pick up or scan the items quickly.
Once you configure UoM in EasyEcom, you can use this during GRN inwarding or picking the items during picklist generation.
How to configure UoM in EasyEcom?
Step 1: Go to the Hamburger menu > Master > UoM
Step 2: Click on “Configure Uom”
NOTE: You can configure UoM one by one OR you can do Bulk upload as well.
The below process is for individual configuration (UI Interface). The bulk process is explained later in the document.
Step 3: Enter the details:
a) Choose UoM type
UoM can be configured in two types: Case and Inner pack
b) Enter UoM EAN. This is the number that you will scan/enter in the future while inwarding GRN or picking the items during the packing process.
c) Enter the SKU which you want to club into cases or inner pack
Only 1 type of SKU can be configured per UoM.
d) Enter the number of SKUs that constitute a case or an inner pack. Example: 30 SKUs in an inner pack or 300 SKUs in a case.
Step 4: Click on create
Once you have entered all the necessary details, click “Create”.
Bulk Upload:
Step 1: Click on “Bulk Entry”
Step 2: Download the template and enter details in the Excel file
Click on Download template. An excel file will be downloaded. Enter the details in the excel sheet and save it.
Step 3: Upload the file
Step 4: Click on “Complete”
How to use UoM feature in Android:
Go to Android > Picklist.
Suppose- we have to scan 1030 items and we have configured UoM that has 500 items in 1 case. Now if we scan that particular UoM number, 500 items will be scanned in one go.
If you scanned UoM 2 times, 1000 items will be scanned. 30 items will be remaining out of 1030. Now you can scan those 30 items individually for the remaining part.