HHT : Auto GRN (GRN without PO)
What is Auto GRN?
A Goods Receipt Note (GRN) without a Purchase Order (PO) is Auto GRN. Unlike traditional GRNs linked to purchase orders, this type is often used for unplanned or ad-hoc deliveries. It serves as a receipt acknowledgment in the absence of a predefined procurement arrangement.
If the account is serialized and USN 5 is active, then the user can perform GRN without a Purchase Order in the Android App.
How to do Auto GRN?
Step 1- Navigate to the GRN module and Select “Scan to GRN” icon

Step 2- Scan SKU

Step 3- Scan Serial

Step 4- Enter the GRN parameters like Mfg, Exp, etc.

Step 5- Slide right to Save
The GRN of listed quantities is done successfully.
Step 6- Slide “ Next Serial Scan” and repeat steps 1 to 4 to enter another serial number/SKU.
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