Integrating XpressBees-Wallet-Outbound with EasyEcom
By following the below-mentioned procedure you can easily integrate XpressBees-Wallet-Outbound as a Carrier with EasyEcom.
STEP 3: Select XpressBees-Wallet-Outbound from the dropdown.
Select your Carrier as “XpressBees-Wallet-Outbound” from the drop-down.
Select the Serviceability Type as per your requirement.
Please Enter Carrier Username and Carrier Password in Username and Password field.
Please Note: Username, Password will be shared by XpressBees-Wallet Team.
Please Enter Carrier Base URL in Extra Credential 1.
Please Enter Extra Credential 2 in the given Format.
Extra Credential 2: email, password, location_key.
(Please Note: you are required to enter comma separated values along with spaces between each parameter)
- The Email should be an API user's mail id in the EasyEcom account, Please follow the UserRole article for further steps.
- Password will be the EasyEcom password for the above user Email,
- Location_key will be the seller token of the warehouse where the carrier partner is integrated.
You have now successfully integrated XpressBees-Wallet-Outbound as a carrier with EasyEcom.
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