Integrating Logic ERP/ Logic POS with EasyEcom

Integrating Logic ERP/ Logic POS with EasyEcom

To integrate your Logic ERP account with EasyEcom please follow the below-mentioned process. 

Step 1: In the toggle menu, navigate to “Accounting>>ERP Integration”

Step 2: Select ERP - "Logic ERP"

On the ERP Integration webpage, click on the “Connect” button below the Logic ERP logo.

Once you click on the Add button, the following pop-up will appear:

Please Enter your Logic ERP API Username, Password & BaseURL.
Once the Above API Credentials are added the Logic ERP channel is ready to be configured.

Step 3: Sheet Configuration Steps for Logic ERP 

Once the Channel has been successfully added, Please navigate to the configuration tab and download the current configuration sheet as guided in the given screenshot: 

In-case you are unable to find the configuration Sheet,
Please use the given link to download the Configuration Sheet template.

Once the Sheet has been downloaded you are required to enter below details:
  1. In Sheet- General Mapping:
    1. Order Prefix : This is the Order Prefix code that will be pushed to Logic ERP
    2. RCU_Mem_Prefix: This is the Customer Order Prefix code that will be pushed to Logic ERP
    3. Branch Code:  Location/Warehouse level identifier at Logic ERP
    4. STO Party User Id: Stock Transfer Party User Code value for the current location
  2. In Sheet- MarketplaceBasedMapping:
    1. MarketplaceID: This is a unique Marketplace channel identifier for the Mp channels integrated at EasyEcom, Please refer the given EE_Marketplace-ID_List

    2. PartyUserCode:  Logic ERP's MP channel Identifier value.
  3. For B2B Order Invoices Sync, You are required to enter the B2B Customer Party User code as ERP Customer ID.
    This is mandatory as B2B orders are posted against the customer Ledgers in the ERP.

Once the above details are updated, 

You are required to update the Accounting SKUs against the EasyEcom's master product with Logic ERP's LogicUserCode
This step is mandatory for enabling the Invoices and Returns flow.

Please test against 1 Shipped sale order
Important Notes:
  1. You are required to whitelist the EasyEcom IP: from the Logic ERP's hosted domain before initializing the Integration.
  2. Please get the below details updated on your logic ERP account before the integration setup:
    1. Tax_Region for Intra state cases Sales order creation and Invoicing: CGST/SGST INCL
    2. Tax_Region for Inter state cases Sales order creation and Invoicing: IGST INCL
    3. Tax_Region for Intra state Cases STN [CGST/SGST]: GST STOCK TRANSFER -Local
    4. Tax_Region for Inter state Cases STN [IGST]: GST STOCK TRANSFER -Outstation
  3. There are 2 Flows for Integration with Logic ERP:
    1. To Enable the Logic ERP Integration for Warehouse Locations i.e Purchase order and GRN creation you are required to follow below steps:
      1. Please create an API user and share the below details with the Logic team for further enabling the Integration. Help article:
        1. Email,
        2. Password
        3. Primary Location key (seller token)
        4. Child Location Key (seller token) 
        5. API Base URL:
      2. You can choose if you require to replicate the product master from Logic ERP directly
      3. Please create a Vendor against Logic ERP in the given primary account and share the Vendor Code with the Logic ERP team.
      4. Please note you are required to select the Logic user code as master for GRN integration configuration in Logic ERP
      5. Below Touchpoints are currently integrated with Logic ERP for the Warehouse Flow:
        TouchPointsMain EventSource
        New products created from Logic ERP will be pushed to EE
        Logic ERP
        PO & GRN (against Vendor stock inward or stock transfer inward) InventoryPurchase Order creation (Godown Transfer) for Put away.Logic ERP
        Forward Sales OrderShipped Sales OrderEasyEcom
        STOsStock transfer outwardEasyEcom
        Sale Return document insert into Logic ERP whenever physical stock received at warehouseSale ReturnEasyEcom
    2. To Enable the Logic ERP Integration for Store Locations i.e for Omnichannel fulfillment flows you are required to follow below steps and Flow :
      1. Please create an API user and share the Email, Password and Primary Location key (seller token) and Child Location Key (seller token) with the Logic team for further enabling the Integration. Help article
      2. You can choose if you require to replicate the product master from Logic ERP directly
      3. You are required to share the Store loaction key Mappings with the Logic ERP team.
      4. Below Touchpoints are currently integrated with Logic POS.
        TouchPointsMain EventSource
        New products created from Logic ERP will be pushed to EE
        Logic ERP
        Inventory UpdationAny +/- Inventory transaction in store location is directly update in EasyEcomLogic ERP
        Forward Sales OrderShipped Sales OrderEasyEcom
        Sale Return document insert into Logic ERP whenever physical stock received at warehouseSale ReturnEasyEcom

  4. Logic ERP requires custom handling for Virtual Combo support, All the Combo products will be splitted as separate child products in the sale data in Logic;
    This configuration is Done due to unavailability of managing the virtual combo in the Logic System
  5. ClickHere for a Detailed Flow Diagram for Logic POS & Logic ERP

You now have Successfully integrated Logic ERP with EasyEcom and the Integration is ready to be used.

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