Flipkart Smart Fulfillment

Flipkart Smart Fulfillment

Steps to be taken care of before going live 

  1. Get all your warehouse shelves approved from Flipkart

  2. Get approval of your shelves with maximum capacity

  3. You do not store a SKU in multiple shelves. However multiple SKUs can be stored in a  single shelf.

Note: Your shelves should have a maximum capacity. 

4. Process all pending order from Smart before uploading Inventory to EasyEcom
5. WMS plan and Batch Order processing mode should be activated


1. If you enable the "Create Products Automatically" option, EasyEcom will automatically create a Master SKU of all your listed SKUs in Flipkart. This is the easiest way to mirror the catalogue from Flipkart to EasyEcom.

If you choose to not enable “Create Products Automatically”, you will have to upload the product master manually and map it with your Flipkart listings. 

2. You can not map Combo SKUs and SKUs which have multiple listings (listed as a different SKU across sales channels) in Flipkart Smart. 

How to add Smart Channel

By following the below-mentioned procedure you can easily integrate Flipkart Smart with EasyEcom. 

Step 1: On the dashboard, click on the “Three dots aka meatball menu”

Step 2: Click on the “Account Settings” option

Once you click on the meatball menu, you will see the following fly-out menu:

Here click on the "Account Settings" option. 

Step 3: Click on “Add Channels”

Once you click on Account Settings you will be navigated to the following page:

Here click on "Add Channels". 

Step 4: Select Marketplace “Flipkart Smart”

Once you click on “Add Channels” you will be navigated to the following page:

Here please click on the “Flipkart Smart” button. 

Once you click on it the following pop-up will appear:

You are required to enter your Username, Password, Seller ID, Application ID, Application Secret, and Location ID.

Step 5: Record Shelf location

After adding channel,  you need to record Flipkart Smart panel's shelf location in EasyEcom.  
In order to do that, go to "Inventory >> Manage Listings" and click on "Update Listings". 

Select your marketplace as "Flipkart Smart" and download listing data. 

Record each product's shelf location and upload the file to EasyEcom. 

Please get in touch with EasyEcom Support to re-sync inventory after updating shelf location in EasyEcom

Flipkart Seller Panel details 

For your Seller ID

First, log in to your Flipkart seller panel, and then click Ctrl+Shift+i and select network. 

Copy the Seller ID and enter it in the “Seller ID” column.

For your Application ID and Application Secret

First, please open the following link: https://api.flipkart.net/oauth-register/login

This will lead you to the following page:

  Login with your credential here, and then click on “ Register new application”. 

Copy the Application ID and Application Secret and please paste in the pop-up which appeared when you clicked on the “Flipkart Smart” button. 

 For your Location ID. 

To enter your Location ID, first please log in here: https://seller.flipkart.com/, with your credentials. 

Once you log in, navigate to “Orders>>Smart Fulfilled Orders”.

Please copy your Location ID from the URL. 

Note that your Location ID will always start with LOC. 


Once you have entered all the details in the pop-up click on the “Add Channel” button.

You have now successfully added Flipkart Smart fulfillment. 

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