Yes you can raise Purchase Orders to your factory from EasyEcom. However, please note you will not be able to manage raw material inventory from Vendor Master.
To manage shortages in the warehouse please set an inventory threshold so that EasyEcom can alert you whenever your inventory level is low.
To forecast seasonal sales, go on Inventory>>Purchase planning and set the number of days to plan and calculate daily average based on sales to forecast the demand.
You can add multiple locations from “Masters>>Location Master” and then inventory across all warehouses will be synced.
You can add a third party warehouse from “Master>>Location Master” and can create shelves for this warehouse from Bins Master.
Yes we do consignment billing.
To understand how virtual combos work in EasyEcom please click here.
If any inventory fails the quality check then EasyEcom gives you option to put away the stock or return the bad inventory to the vendor.
To create a shelf for damaged inventory navigate to “Masters>>Bins Master”. In Bins Master you can also assign this shelf to a zone.
You can set the number of days to plan and calculate the daily average, then EasyEcom will forecast the suggested quantity. You can then plan your purchases accordingly.