You can easily record in-house adjustments in EasyEcom one-by-one or in bulk.
Recording In-house Adjustments one-by-one
Step 1: In the toggle menu, navigate to "Inventory>> Inventory Adjustment"

Step 2: Click on "Create Manual Adjustment"
Click on the hamburger menu and select “Create Manual Adjustment” option.
Step 3: Select "In House Adjustment" option
Once you click on the Create Adjustment the following pop-up will appear:

Here under "Select Type" click on "In House Adjustment" option.
There are two options under transfer type-
Then click on the "Save" button.
Once you click on it the system will generate a batch.
Step 4: Click on "Details"
Once your inventory transfer batch is created in the system, click on "Details".
Step 5: Enter necessary details
Once you click on Details, the Batch details pop-up will appear.
Here enter the SKU you want to transfer, select "Available" as the New Status option, enter "New Shelf" name, and enter inventory quantity you want to transfer.
Step 6: Click on "Complete"
Now click on the "Complete" button.
Once you click on it you batch will be updated.
You have now successfully done an in-house adjustment of your inventory.
Recording In-house Adjustments in Bulk
Step 1: Click on "Bulk Adjustment"
Click on the hamburger menu and select “Bulk Adjustment” option.

Step 2: Select "In House Adjustment" option
Select "In-House Adjustment" option and choose the transfer type. Then download the bulk template file.
Step 3: Record necessary details
In the excel file record in-house adjustment details and save the file.
For shelf to shelf transfer, enter SKU, old shelf, new shelf, and quantity: Don't enter anything in the new status column.
For status to status transfer, you cannot change the shelf. Leave the 'New shelf' column blank otherwise while uploading, it will give an error.
Step 4: Upload File
Click on "Choose File" to upload your file.
Then click on "Submit".
You have now successfully recorded in-house adjustments in bulk.