USN ( Unique Serial Numbers)

USN ( Unique Serial Numbers)


Category 1 - Sellers who provide serials 

Category 2 - Sellers who autogenerate serials from our system 

Category 1 :

1.1 Sellers who provide serials at time of PO creation           (USN Type : 1)

It is mandatory for these sellers to provide this information at the time of PO creation.

(can be from UI,sheet or API.) (Only api available currently)

Auto grn is not provided for this type of seller.

This seller cannot auto-generate serials from our system.

Serials will be saved in the USN table and will be validated from there as well.

Ui : changes while creating PO from ui. Need to start accepting serials from ui while creating PO.

1.2 Sellers who provide serial at the time of GRN                                     (USN Type : 2)

Serials will be provided and  unique validation at the time of GRN and then saved to USN table.

Auto grn and grn against po both are  allowed.

This seller cannot auto-generate serials from our system as well.

Category 2 :

2.1 Sellers who generate serials after PO creation                                   (USN Type : 3)

Serials will be generated FROM PO DETAILS PAGE AT SOME ACTION

Auto grn is not allowed for this seller.

While doing GRN, the seller will just scan/provide serial at the time of grn and we will fetch all info from there and perform grn against the PO.

UI : Option to accept serial at the time of GRN instead of SKU.

Sheet : will also just provide the option to add serials.

2.2 Sellers who generate serials after GRN                                              (USN Type : 4)

Auto grn and grn with po both allowed.

Sellers will just provide SKU and quantity and we will auto generate serials and map the serials with the SKU.

Will provide a screen to generate barcodes .

UI : Seller won't have to provide a serial.

Sheet: seller won't have to add serial.

2.3 sellers who generate serials from generic barcode screen.              (USN Type : 5)

Seller cannot generate serial while PO creation or while  grn.

They will generate serial barcodes from a provided screen .

And while performing GRN/autogrn seller will provide both SKU and the serial they want it to be mapped with and we ll validate the serial and map both. 

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