Once you record your goods received in the system, they will be live across all your sales channels.
There are two ways of recording stock received. You can record them against a purchase order or without it.
Recording Goods Received against a Purchase Order
You can create a GRN against a Purchase Order that has been approved.
Select status as “Approved”, and then click on the “View Detail” button.
Enter the quantity received from your supplier and click on “Receive Items”.
This quantity will now be added to your final inventory count, and will be listed across sales channels.
Recording Stocktaking in the system
Follow this process if you receive goods from your supplier without raising a Purchase Order or else you only want to update on-hand inventory count.
Enter the inventory count in the “Quantity” column. This will be listed across all your sales channels.
That’s it! You have now successfully entered stock received in EasyEcom.