What is Order routing?
Order routing is the process of routing orders to different warehouses based on your preference. This ensures that customer orders are fulfilled in the shortest time possible while incurring the minimum shipping cost.
Your order is automatically routed to a warehouse location based on the order routing option defined.
How to navigate to the order routing page?
Click on the meatball menu (3 dots) > Account settings > Other settings

1. This setting will only be visible to the vendor admin and operations manager at the primary location.
2. This is available only for growth and enterprise plan users.
There are 4 different types of routing:
1. Proximity-based routing:
In this case, the orders will be routed to the location which is nearest to the shipping address. If the inventory is unavailable at the nearest warehouse, it will consider the next nearest warehouse.
Orders will be routed only for the marketplaces that you have selected against each warehouse. If you have not selected any marketplace for a location, orders will not be routed to that warehouse.
Selecting a marketplace is mandatory for order routing.
2. Location-based routing:
In this case, the orders will be routed to the first priority warehouse irrespective of the distance. If the inventory is unavailable in that warehouse, the next priority warehouse will be considered.
For example, if Warehouse A and Warehouse B are assigned priority 1 and 2 respectively, the order will be routed to Warehouse A. In case of non-availability of inventory in Warehouse A, the order will be routed to Warehouse B.
Each warehouse should have a different priority. If you try to put the same priority for different warehouses, the system will swap the priority automatically.
For example, warehouse A was the number 4 priority, and warehouse B was number 7 priority. If you change warehouse B to priority 4, warehouse A will automatically be on priority 7.
If the inventory is not available at any warehouse, the order will stay at the default location.
3. Map location with pincode (forced):
You can map different pincodes in each warehouse location. Example: if you upload 15 pincodes to your warehouse A, that warehouse will only accept orders from those 15 pincodes.
In pincode forced, even if the inventory is not available in that particular warehouse, the order will still go to that warehouse as a pending/failed order.
In order to upload pincodes, click on ‘Upload’
A pop-up will appear. Save the template > Excel file will be downloaded > enter the pincodes in the Excel file and upload the Excel file in this screen.
By checking on ‘Upload all pincodes’, all the pincodes that are saved in the EasyEcom database will be uploaded.
1. You cannot upload the same pincode in multiple locations.
2. You can upload "all PIN codes" only to a single warehouse in case of PIN code forced. It works on -1 logic. If you choose to select "upload all pincodes" option, the system will upload all the pincodes that are there in EasyEcom except the ones that you have already mapped with different warehouses.
Suppose, there is a pincode 411027 which you have uploaded in warehouse A and 560068 in warehouse B. In warehouse C, you have uploaded all the pincodes which EasyEcom has. In this case, the system will upload all the pincodes in warehouse C expect 411027 and 560068.
Upload all pincodes option works as a backup in case the inventory is not available in a warehouse.
If a pincode is not mapped with any warehouse, the orders will stay in the primary location.
4. Map location with pincode (optional):
In the case of pincode optional, the same PIN codes can be assigned to multiple warehouses. You will have to set the priority of each warehouse. When the order comes and the multiple warehouses can accept that pincode, the routing will be done based on the priority of the warehouse set by you.
If a warehouse doesn't have the item in stock, the order skips that location and moves on to the next closest warehouse with available inventory.
If you have uploaded the same pincode in multiple locations and the priority is also the same, the order can route to any warehouse.

What is ‘Enable splitting’?
Suppose, an order comes in and that order contains multiple SKUs. The inventory for one SKU is kept at warehouse A, inventory for another SKU is kept at warehouse B. If you choose to enable splitting, then orders will go to both warehouses for the respective inventory. If you do not enable this option, orders will not go to the warehouse unless that warehouse has all the required inventory.
If you do not choose to enable splitting, and if any order does not follow the defined logic, the orders will go to the default location set by you.
Assume that you have turned on the splitting feature and an order is received with several different SKUs. If you happen to have inventory for only a few of those SKUs, the order for the remaining SKUs will stay at the primary location.
How to enable order routing?
Once you have selected the routing type and entered all the details, you can enable order routing.
Click on the ‘Enable routing’ checkbox to enable order routing.