Integrating your Tally ERP with EasyEcom

Integrating your Tally ERP with EasyEcom

To integrate Tally ERP with EasyEcom, please ensure the following points-
  1. Accounting SKUs and Accounting Units must be updated in EasyEcom as well as in tally.
The steps to update the Accounting SKU and Accounting unit are as follows-
Masters>>Product Master>>Select SKU>>Update Accounting SKU and Accounting unit>> Submit
(This activity can be performed for multiple SKUs via bulk uploading the product sheet in the update product section)
Single product SKU code accounting SKU and Accounting unit are shown in the image below

How to update stocks in Tally

Go to Tally>>Select Masters>>Select Inventory Info>>Select stock group to>> Create the stock.

Else select Stock Items to see the SKU created in tally.
The following page will appear when you select to update stock in Tally.

2. Create Google Extension for Tally.

  1. Copy the Google Chrome
  2. Paste it on the Desktop

  1. Go to the Properties of that new Google Chrome ext. created.
  2. Under shortcut, Target location put space after exe, and paste the Tally extension address here.
  3. Save the changes.
You may rename it with Easyecom name if required, for recognition purpose.

Steps to Integrate Tally in Easyecom :-
  1. Navigate to Accounting >> ERP Integration >> Tally.

  1. You will find a popup that will redirect you to SETUP PAGE.
  2.   Click on Use Existing Company.
  • Mention the Company name as same as mentioned in Tally.
  • Click on submit.
  • Once submitted, an Excel file will start downloading

    1. Once the file is downloaded, update it in the Tally.
    1. Go to Tally >> Import>>Masters>>XML>>Specify path

    1. To specify the path,  open the file location where it is downloaded while integrating Tally with Easyecom.
    2. Copy the address bar address and paste it into the Tally.

    1. Once the path is entered in specify path, Put a slash (\) and come back to the folder and copy the file name.
    2. Paste the file name in Tally and write .xml
    3. Enter and save the file

    1. Now go to the List of import 
    2. Select Modify with new date
    3. If you want to take Tally data backup then click on the path and save for own use and enter.

    Check vouchers, now created by Easyecom.

    Alter > Ledgers > online (heading are of EasyEcom)

    Then click to tally, Integration is done.

    Select Port on Easyecom
    Go to Tally >>setting > connectivity > Client server config > both
    View the port number (it must be between 9000-9999)

          **Always ensure that your Tally application is opened on your desktop with the correct company opened in Tally.

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