Integrating Selloship- Outbound with EasyEcom

Integrating Selloship- Outbound with EasyEcom

By following the below-mentioned procedure you can easily integrate SelloShip as Outbound carrier with EasyEcom. 

Step 1: In the toggle menu, navigate to “Masters>>Carrier Master”

Step 2: Click on the “Add New” button

Once you click on Carrier Master you will be navigated to the following page: 

Here click on the “Add New” button.

Note: If you have already integrated other shipping carriers please scroll down to find the “Add New” button.

Step 3: Select SelloShip-Outbound

Select your Carrier as “SelloShip-Outbound” from the drop-down options. 

Select Serviceability Type as "To Selected Pincodes".

Please Reach out to SelloShip Team for your Carrier Integration fields:

Username and Password field, Token field, Account No. field. 

Enter Carrier Base URL in Extra Credential 1:

Enter API token of the API user created in EasyEcom in Extra Credential 2 field, will be shared by EasyEcom team.

Then click on the “Save” button. 

You have now successfully integrated SelloShip with EasyEcom.

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