Integrating Flipkart Advantage with EasyEcom

Integrating Flipkart Advantage with EasyEcom

By following the below-mentioned procedure you can easily integrate Flipkart Advantage with EasyEcom.

Step 1: On the dashboard, click on the “Three dots aka meatball menu”

Step 2: Click on the “Account Settings” option

Once you click on the meatball menu, you will see the following fly-out menu:

Here click on the “Account Settings” option. 

Step 3: Click on “Company/Warehouse”

Once you click on Account Settings you will be navigated to the following page: 

Here click on “Company/Warehouse”. 

Step 4: Select “Flipkart Advantage”

In the Company/Warehouse page select “Flipkart Advantage”. 

Once you click on it this pop-up will appear:

You are required to enter your Seller ID, Application Id, Application Secret,  Warehouse Invoice Series and Tax Identification Number. 

Select Import Return As as Completed or Pending based on its status. 

Step 5: For your Seller ID

Login to your Flipkart seller panel, and then click Ctrl+Shift+i and select network. 

Copy the Seller ID and enter it in the “Seller ID” column.

Step 6: For your Application ID and Application Secret

First, please open the following link:

This will lead you to the following page:

Login with your credential here, and then click on “ Register new application”. 

Now copy the Application ID and Application Secret and paste in the “Flipkart Advantage” pop-up. 

Step 7: For your warehouse ID

For your Flipkart Warehouse ID, login to, and Go to Inventory > Inventory management > Location > Select the location > copy the below highlighted text for warehouse ID.

Step 8: For your Flipkart Warehouse Invoice Series 

For your Flipkart Warehouse Invoice Series, login to, and navigate to "Reports>>Report Centre" and select "Tax Reports" option. 

Then on the "Tax Reports" section download Sales Report. 

Now copy the first 6 digits of Buyer Invoice ID. 

Note: You need to enter the Warehouse Invoice Series for each location in the system separately.
For example, if you have two warehouse locations created in the system,  Location A and Location B. You need to enter Location A's warehouse invoice series in Location A's account in EasyEcom, and similarly Location B's warehouse invoice series in Location B's account. . 

Step 9: For your Location ID

To enter your Location ID, first please log in here:, with your credentials. 

Once you log in, navigate to “Orders>>Active Orders”. 

On the Active Orders Webpage choose the Location from the drop-down option, and then right click on the Location Box and click on “Inspect option”. 

Once you click on it, the following screen will be visible:

Please copy your Location ID from here. 

Note that your Location ID will always start with

Step 10: Enter “Billing Address” and “Shipping Address”

Once you have entered all the information in the pop-up click on the “Next” button. 

Now enter your “Billing Address” and “Shipping Address”.

Then click on the “Save” button. 

You have now successfully added Flipkart Advantage in your EasyEcom warehouse.  

*Orders and returns will be imported every Saturday at 11 PM.
(Start date = Current date - 13 days
End date = Current date - 4 days)

Also, the orders and returns will be imported on the 4th day of every month.
(Start date = Current date - 33 days
End date = Current date- 4 days )

*Payment will be imported every Wednesday at 2 AM
(Start date= Current date - 20 days
End date = Current date - 11 days)

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