Integrating Amazon Retail B2B with EasyEcom

Integrating Amazon Retail B2B with EasyEcom

By following the below-mentioned procedure you can easily integrate Amazon Amazon Retail B2B with EasyEcom. 

Step 1: On the dashboard, click on the “Three dots aka meatball menu”

Step 2: Click on the “Account Settings” option

Once you click on the meatball menu, you will see the following fly-out menu:

Here click on the “Account Settings” option. 

Step 3: Click on “Add Channels”

Once you click on Account Settings you will be navigated to the following page:

Here click on “Add Channels”.

Step 4: Select Marketplace: “Amazon Retail B2B”

Once you click on “Add Channels” you will be navigated to the following page:

Here please click on the “Amazon Retail B2B” button. 

Once you click on it the following pop-up will appear:

Step 5: Integrating your Amazon Retail B2B Listings in EasyEcom

-To import your product listing, first navigate to “Inventory>>Manage Listings”. 

Here click on the “Import Listing” button. 

-Then click on the “Download Template Sheet” button.

Once you click on it Generic Listings Import Excel file will be downloaded in your system. 

Mandatory fields in this file are SKU, GUID, Listing Reference Number, and Identifier

Enter your Vendor SKU Code in SKU, GUID and Listing Reference Number column. 

Enter your ASIN  in the Identifier column.

Select your marketplace as “Amazon Retail B2B”. 

Click on the “Choose File” button and select the Generic Listings Import File from your system. 

Then click on the “Upload” button. 

Step 6: Map your Products with EasyEcom 

Follow the manual mapping process to map your Vendor Central Dropship products with EasyEcom. 

You have now successfully integrated Amazon Retail B2B with EasyEcom. 

Important Notes:

  1. The Current Architecture of Amazon B2B doesn't supports Automated Appointment generation hence Post order Acknowledgement the seller is requested to generate the Appointment and ASN on the Vendor central Panel.
  2. The Invoices syncing isn't supported in the current phase of the integration, 
  3. Please Note: Any partially scanned order will be partially acknowledged on Amazon and the Unscanned Items will be automatically Cancelled.
  4. Amazon Retail B2B supports single Acknowledgement, hence any unscanned items will not be Acknowledged on Amazon.
  5. Touchpoints integrated for Amazon Retail B2B are as follows:
TouchPoints Main EventSource Action Panel
Purchase Order Import Any New PO from Amazon vendor central are imported in EasyEcom as B2B Orders Amazon Vendor central EasyEcom
PO Acknowledgement The Final Line items and the QTY processed will be acknowledged against the Open PO EasyEcom EasyEcom
Appointment Generation The Apointment is required to be scheduled on the Amazon panel for the acknowledged Items in the shipment Amazon Vendor central Amazon Vendor central
ASN creation The PO shipment need to be closed and shipped from the Amazon Panel Amazon Vendor central Amazon Vendor central
Inventory Amazon B2B doesn't supports Inventory Injestion NA NA

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