Installing Tally Extension in your Chrome browser.

Installing Tally Extension in your Chrome browser.

Step 1:- Login to EasyEcom panel.
Step 2:- Navigate to Accounting.
Step 3:- In the drop-down provided select ERP Integration then click on TALLY option.

Step 4:- A popup will display an error stating that the exporter is not enabled. Click on 'Download Extension'. A Zip file will be downloaded in your system.

Step 5: Extract the file downloaded. A file will be extracted “tally_ee_Exporter”.

Step 6: Now, in your chrome browser go to 'More tools' >> 'Extensions' Option.

Step 7: Enable 'Developer Mode' option and click on 'Load Unpacked' option.

Step 8: - A popup will be displayed to select the exporter. Select the ext file in the Downloaded folder and click on OK.

Step 9: Extension file will be enabled in your chrome browser. 

Step 10: Once the extension is installed in your system, you may reload the EasyEcom's Tally page and start syncing.

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