Cancel Orders in Bulk in EasyEcom

How to cancel orders?

To save time, the system now enables you to cancel your orders in bulk, if required. The bulk cancellation feature will also help you identify the reasons behind order cancellations, and thereby take corrective actions in the future.

Please follow the below-mentioned process to cancel orders in bulk. 

Step 1: Select "Cancel Orders"

To cancel orders, click on the “+” icon and select “Cancel Orders”.

Step 2: Record Cancel Order IDs

Select marketplace and enter the Order IDs of all the orders that you want to mark canceled in the system. 

Step 3: Search >> Select the order >> Cancel order

In case, you want to delete the order instead of canceling it, you may click on "delete order (Rename and Cancel)". 
Please note: This option will rename the order and the original order ID will not be visible on the dashboard unless it is re-imported from the backend.
(Please reach out to the EasyEcom support team to re-import the deleted orders)

If you want to record the reasons behind canceling orders, download the  “Cancel Orders via Sheet”. 

Fill in the Order ID, Order Item ID, and cancellation reason for all the orders that need to be marked canceled. 

After entering all the details, upload this file to EasyEcom.

Note that, orders can only be marked as canceled if the order pickup manifest is not created. If you have created a pickup manifest document, the order can only be marked as returned or shipped. 

You have now successfully canceled orders in bulk via EasyEcom.

In case you want to delete the order via sheet instead of canceling it, please checkmark the "Rename" button before uploading the sheet.

You have now successfully deleted the orders in bulk. 
(Please note: These orders are now renamed and the original order ID will not be visible on the dashboard unless it is re-imported from the backend.
(Please reach out to the EasyEcom support team to re-import the deleted orders)
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