EasyEcom Outbound Webhooks - Handling Invalid Responses

EasyEcom Outbound Webhooks - Handling Invalid Responses

1. Introduction

This documentation aims to provide you with a clear understanding of how EasyEcom handles invalid responses for outbound webhooks. Our goal is to ensure your webhook requests remain reliable and effective.

2. Feature Overview

Outbound webhooks are a crucial part of your integration with EasyEcom. They allow you to receive real-time updates regarding your orders, inventory, and other important data. Our system is equipped to automatically manage invalid responses to enhance the reliability of your webhook requests.

3. How It Works

a. Webhook Triggers

EasyEcom supports various webhook triggers. These triggers represent specific events, such as order updates, inventory changes, and more. When these events occur, the corresponding webhook is triggered to send data to your specified endpoint.

b. Handling Invalid Responses

In some cases, when we send a webhook request to your endpoint, we might receive an invalid response, typically indicated by a status code like 4xx or 5xx. When this happens, we take certain actions to address the issue.

c. Counter and Time Tracking

To effectively manage these invalid responses, we keep track of two key pieces of information:

Counter: We count how many times we encounter invalid responses for a specific webhook trigger.

Time Tracking: We also record when this issue first started happening. This information is crucial to identify if the problem is recurring.

If a particular webhook trigger is continuously failing in such cases, we take actionables -

  1. 20 distinct webhook requests in >=2hrs (since inception) = Warning Mail 1 + Delay of 2 min on retries

  2. 80 distinct webhook requests in >=8hrs (since first failure after warning mail 1) = Warning Mail 2 + Delay of 5 min on retries

  3. 400 distinct webhook requests in >=24hrs (since first failure after warning mail 2) = Deactivation Mail + Deactivate webhook trigger

d. Notification Emails

If we detect a recurring issue where a specific webhook trigger consistently encounters invalid responses, we send you a warning email. This email is designed to keep you informed about potential problems, allowing you to take action promptly.

e. Delayed Queue (DLQ)

To prevent problematic webhook requests from affecting other responsive webhook queues, we utilize a Delayed Queue (DLQ). Here's how it works:

When a webhook request encounters consistent issues, it is moved to the DLQ.

After a brief delay, the request is reattempted for processing.

This mechanism helps ensure that responsive webhook queues are not affected by problematic requests.

f. Trigger Deactivation

In some rare cases, if the issues continue to persist and meet specific criteria, we may need to deactivate a webhook trigger. Deactivation involves the following steps:

We'll notify you through email that the webhook trigger is being deactivated.

Deactivation prevents further requests for that trigger from being sent to the queue.

Any requests that are still in the queue at the time of deactivation will be skipped when their turn for processing arrives.

4. Using the Feature

a. Setting Up Webhook Triggers

To set up your webhook triggers effectively, you can configure them in your EasyEcom account. We recommend specifying triggers and settings that align with your specific business requirements.

b. Monitoring and Troubleshooting

It's important to keep an eye on your webhook performance and watch for potential issues. If you receive a warning email, it's a signal that action should be taken to prevent potential deactivation. Regularly reviewing your webhook settings and addressing issues promptly is the key to maintaining smooth operations.

5. Best Practices

To make the most of this feature, consider the following best practices:

Regularly review your webhook settings to ensure they meet your specific business requirements.

Pay attention to warning emails and address the issues described promptly to prevent potential deactivation.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the purpose of webhook triggers?

A: Webhook triggers are events that prompt EasyEcom to send data to your specified endpoint. They allow you to receive real-time updates about your orders, inventory, and more, enabling you to stay informed and make timely decisions.

Q: What should I do if I receive a warning email?

A: When you receive a warning email, it's a sign that there might be a recurring issue with a specific webhook trigger. Review the issues described in the email and take appropriate actions to prevent potential deactivation. Review server logs and debug to find out the issue and resolve it.

Q: How do I reactivate a webhook trigger after automatic deactivation?

A: After ensuring you have actively solved the issue which led to the deactivation of the webhook trigger, go to Webhook Settings and update the configuration and enable the active status of the webhook trigger to reactivate the webhook.

7. Conclusion

EasyEcom's Outbound Webhooks feature is designed to ensure the reliability of your webhook requests. By automatically handling invalid responses, monitoring your webhook triggers, and following best practices, you can maximize the benefits of this feature for your business. Our team is here to assist you, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions or need assistance. We're committed to helping you make the most of EasyEcom and your outbound webhooks.

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