Set dedicated inventory for different marketplaces

Set dedicated inventory for different marketplaces

What is dedicated inventory and why is it helpful?

Inventory can be blocked for certain marketplaces for a specified period of time. Eg. during a sale where the marketplace has guaranteed a certain number of orders.
You can dedicate a certain number of inventory for selected SKUs of the marketplace and sync them to that marketplace, while the other marketplaces will be synced with the remaining quantity.

Dedicating the inventory can be advantageous during the sale season. It can be beneficial to block inventory and allocate it to marketplaces where the likelihood of receiving orders is higher or where the orders have been guaranteed by the marketplace.

How to block inventory for marketplaces in EasyEcom?

Step 1: Go to the navigation menu > Manage Listings > Mapped Listings

Step 2: Click on the hamburger menu > Set dedicated inventory

Step 3: Select the marketplace and date range

Choose the marketplace to which you want to dedicate the inventory.
Select the date range. The date range is the sale start date and end date (the date from which the inventory will be blocked for the marketplace)

Step 4: Download the template sheet 

The following excel file will be downloaded:


The first four columns will be auto-filled. You need to add quantity in the last column - newDedicatedQuantity. Enter the quantity that you want to dedicate for respective SKUs.

Step 5: Upload the excel file and select the marketplace and date range

Choose the file and click on upload

The dedicated inventory will reflect in the below-highlighted columns:


Case 1: Dedicated inventory becomes zero before the sale end date-
During the sale, if the dedicated inventory of the set marketplace reaches zero, then zero inventory will be pushed to the marketplace for the corresponding SKUs.

Case 2: If the inventory percentage was set and the sale ended-
Once the sale has ended, the inventory percentage that was previously configured will take effect, and the marketplace will push inventory levels according to those settings.

Case 3: The sale ended but the inventory percentage was not set up-
In the event that the inventory percentage was not previously configured, once the sale has concluded, all available inventory will be pushed to the marketplace.

In this case, even if the dedicated inventory does not reach zero if the sale ends, all the available inventory will be pushed to the marketplace if the inventory percentage was not set up.
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